Individual Sessions - $39

School viewing & Licensing

Webinar Pricing


SCHOOL VIEWING is intended for individual schools interested in focusing on a webinar series, possibly linked to their school growth plan.  Sessions can be viewed within a one month time period (condensed) or over selected dates throughout the school year (flexible). 

WEBINAR LICENSING is intended for schools (or districts) who prefer unlimited access for all staff to selected or full list of the webinar series for a twelve month period.  This would be an excellent option for individual schools who may wish to link one of Adrienne’s webinar series and books to their school growth plan or a district that is looking to provide schools, school teams, district literacy leaders, inquiry teams, or individual educators, with unlimited “POWERFUL” professional development opportunities throughout the school year. 

how would you like your staff to access the webinars?

school viewing

Shared Access

school viewing

Personal Access

webinar licensing

Unlimited Personal Access